
A Vocaloid Fanfiction: White Feathers - Haku - P10

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For the next few weeks Haku went on a bit of a routine. Neru would wake her up early (sometimes several times) the girls would head off their separate jobs and Haku then madly worked at the bar, earning smiles and more and more of the regular customers got to know Haku well and asked how she was doing and other small conversations like that.

Haku felt content. Not fully satisfied but content with what she had. After Meiko closed up shops, sometimes earlier in the day since the summer holidays were almost over and more and more people started going back to work and instead of eating and drinking during the day they would come in the evenings. Meaning Meiko, Haku and (sometimes) Kaito who tagged along had a few hours of peace. In these hours they would go to the movies, the arcade, the park and one time even play a game of laser tag. They often tried to coax Neru in joining them on their activities but her work wouldn't let her get away so she couldn't come. The trio still had plenty of fun and Haku knew she felt safest when she had two of her best friends on either side of her, making her life just a bit easier to get through.

On a particularly sunny Wednesday, the three went to the pool. It had rained the night before leaving the air thick and humid making it the perfect day for a swim. Earlier in the day, Meiko had dragged Haku off to the mall to pick out new swimsuits for the two of them and purposely not accepting help from Kaito who eventually got dragged out of the store by Meiko to wait outside for them to finish. After the girls had finished they joined up again and headed off to the pool.

Coming out of the changing rooms, Haku felt a little bit exposed. She couldn't remember the last time she had gone swimming and her swim suit didn't leave much up to the imagination; Meiko no exception. Haku's cheeks burned as she saw a crowd of boys stare at her and the brunette as they went to find Kaito. Hearing a few wolf whistles, Haku's face turned as red as her eyes and she forced herself not to look back at the male eyes burn into her back. Strangely enough, Meiko didn't notice or if she did, didn't seem to care as she walked towards the beach chairs and settled herself down. Haku quickly joined her seeing as she was ghostly pale and Meiko was a pure cream. They wouldn't have minded a small tan.

From her chair, Haku squinted and saw Kaito at the other end of the pool on the deep side and turned to point him out to Meiko but saw she was also looking, almost frozen. Haku wondered why as she saw Kaito climb the diving tower and craned her neck as he headed for the highest platform. She realised that they weren't the only ones watching Kaito as she saw the crowd of rowdy boys who had wolf whistled at her and Meiko also watch with sudden interest along with most of the other people at the pool.

When Kaito reached the top he looked incredibly small and Haku faintly remembered Meiko mentioning before about the highest platform (on which Kaito now stood) on the diving tower and how few people ever went on it. According to her you were either crazy or you had a deathwish to fulfil.

Haku and Meiko watched in dread as Kaito was slowly edging his way along the platform closer to the edge and saw him bent sideways to look down at the height. Even though he was high above them, Haku could feel that he was now regretting his decision and thinking of getting down.  But that was impossible now because the rowdy boys had started to chant: JUMP! And others were soon following. However, Haku kept her eyes fixed on her blue friend who was now visibly frozen in place near the end of the platform near the water.

"That idiot…Kaito knows he's afraid of heights," Meiko said softly, slowly beginning to stand up off her chair, her eyes never leaving Kaito.

Haku felt her stomach flip over and she watched feeling sick as Kaito ever so slowly wandered closer to the edge. The crowd of getting fierce now with their chanting as they began to chant louder and faster until the whole pool was surrounded with noise. The girls watched in horror as their friend was now right on the edge, ever so slightly looking down towards the turquoise waters before straightening himself up. Then he gave a slight bend to his knees and looked like he was preparing to jump. But just before his feet to leave the concrete, he paused and stood upright again and Meiko was fully off her chair now as Haku sat, unable to move. The rowdy boys were now screaming at fever pitch not just ordering poor Kaito to jump but also insults and horrid name calling was beginning to occur. But Kaito stood as still as a rock before turning as if to walk back. But then Haku and Meiko watched in horror as he slipped and fell back over the edge and towards the waters below.  


Meiko was now running towards the the deep end with Haku in tow where Katio had fell head and shoulder first into the water with a sickening smack and sunk below. Meiko dodged the lifeguard and dove in to rescue her friend, ignoring the awful cheers from the rowdy boys. She resurfaced with an unconscious Kaito in her arms as she swam to the edge and  Haku and the lifeguard and a few other concerned people crowded around them. Kaito lay on the ground with his eyes shut with Meiko kneeling beside him as the lifeguard gently ushered her aside. After checking Kaito for a few slow moments she raised her head,

"He's fine. He just fainted, that's all. Get him to the sick bay thou―"


The lifeguard was cut off as everyone turned to see Kaito opening his eyes and shakily sitting up.

"That…hurt," he said weakly, obviously trying to pull himself together.

"Aw man! He's alive!" called a cruel voice.

"Seriously? After a fail fall like that, I thought he'd rather be dead," said another.

Haku turned her head to see the rowdy boys on the other side of the pool still, laughing and mockingly faking Kaito's fall.

"What a total loser!"

Haku felt Meiko tense next to her and she turned her eyes back to Kaito who seemed too busy rubbing his head to pay attention to the tormentors.

The lifeguard, rolling her eyes at the boys turned to Haku:

"Here. Can you help me take this boy to the sick bay? He's not terribly injured but he's definitely gonna feel some bruises after a fall like that,"

Although the lifeguard was only trying to be kind, Kaito couldn't help but wincing and Haku watched his cheeks burn. The small group of concerned and sorry-looking people stepped back so the lifeguard and Haku could head towards the sick bay supporting Kaito between them;  his arms over their shoulders. Haku turned back to see if Meiko was following them but the brunette had disappeared from sight.

After the lifeguard had seen to Kaito and made sure that absolutely nothing was wrong with him she left Haku and him alone in the sick bay. Kaito had small bandaids on minor injuries and ointments to help the sting of smashing the water but they could not hide his melancholy expression. Haku's  hand gripped Kaito's forearm as she waited for him to speak. Exhaling a long breath, he did.

"That…was embarrassing. And not just for me,"

Haku bit her lip, "Meiko…Meiko told me that you were afraid of heights so why'd you do it?"

Kaito closed his shining blue eyes and scrunched his mouth up as if he was in pain. Well, he probably was considering the circumstances.

"I..," he began and turned his head away from Haku, "I just wanted to show off to Meiko. Just do something to get her to notice me. These past weeks―no―these past MONTHS have been so weird on us. It's like Meiko's slipping away from me and it hurts. I just can't get why…" Kaito held his head in desperation.

Haku shuffled, uncomfortable. She knew perfectly well why Meiko had been distant to Kaito but somehow she couldn't bring herself to tell Kaito. That would've been betraying Meiko's trust. But it did pain Haku to see her friend so upset and ashamed. She patted Kaito gently on the back as he held his head in his hands and Haku began to rethink the last couple of weeks on their outings together after the bar was shut. Things had been different between the two of them where Meiko would laugh less and less with Kaito and give more insults and sarcastic comments towards him making some situations awkward. She often lost her temper on him and it caused mini fights while Haku tried to smooth things over. It was a blessing she was there because if the two were alone Meiko would definitely have had ripped his head off.

And yet, she wasn't angry at him today. Haku saw the fear in her eyes as Kaito prepared to jump off the diving tower and she knew how fast Meiko had ran to his aid when he fell. She wished Kaito could see how much Meiko cared for him but he would never believe her now. She doubted he'd even remember who dragged him out of the water when he fainted.
"Don't you just wish things could go back to how they used to be?" Kaito said finally, taking his hands away from his face and looking at Haku.
Haku's face crumpled up as she grasped his hand and answered in a choked voice like she was about to cry,

"Yes. I do. So very much."

They sat with only the distant sounds of splashing and talking to stop them from being in complete silence.


Outside at the pool, the group of mean boys were still clustered together still cruelly laughing at Kaito's fall when their conversation was interrupted by the presence of an angry, female brunette . They turned to see Meiko standing with her hands on her hips, glaring at them.

"Wa-hey-hey! It's lil' Red! Got bored of your little blue boyfriend did'ya?" said a boy about Kaito's age with dirty blonde hair and tanned skin.

They all started laughing again, nudging each other in the arms.

"Cowards," Meiko said bitterly.

They instantly shut up and the blonde who had spoken before now turned to stand almost directly infront of Meiko. He towered above her but she held her ground.

"You might just wanna watch what you're saying lil' Red or you might just wind up in trouble," he warned, his voice now cold and slow like an approaching snake.

As if he hadn't spoken, Meiko continued her fiery brown eyes never leaving his ice cold green ones:

"You prey on the weak to make yourselves seem stronger. You were rude and ignorant to my friend after we could all clearly tell that he was absolutely terrified. And yet you called him a coward and many other names that I wish not to mention. He wasn't a coward at all. At least he actually climbed up there while you boys just stood on the ground none of you willing to go up there yourself. Whether he was going to jump willingly or not, at least he tried. You boys on the other hand would've never gone up there if someone paid you a million dollars and yet you call the boy who tried a wimp. But we all know who the real wimps are."

The boy's eyes flickered and there were murmurings between the boys. It was clear that they hadn't even gone in the water considering their bodies and hair were bone dry. He leaned forward so his and Meiko's heads were level.

"If he was so brave then why'd he go up there if he's scared of heights, lil' Red? It sounds to me like your boyfriend isn't only a wimp and a coward but he's also an idiot. No idea why you're dating that punk."

Meiko felt something inside of her snap and the boys shut up again and even the blonde looked scared. Meiko took a daring step forward, her eyes locked on his and he took a shaky step back towards the water.

"One: For whatever reason he decided to go up there is none of your business. She gave a hard poke in his chest so that he stumbled back even closer to the water. She poked him again and he fell back more. Two: He's neither a wimp nor a coward nor an idiot and if he is I'd hate to see what you're called. She poked him again harder so that the water so almost licking his heels. Three: He may be an idiot but he's also funny and sweet and kind and much more of a man then you'll be and even if we WERE dating at least he wouldn't act like a total ass around girls which is more than I can say for you!"

On her last word, Meiko gave a rough push with both hands and the tanned boy hurtled into the water yelling as the group of boys and Meiko were showered with the splash he made. She turned slowly to the boys as if daring them to say or do something but they simply stood silent shocked and afraid. Meiko felt a proud smile cross her face as she turned again to find Kaito and Haku along with the entire pool crowd staring at her.  

Even with the applause of the crowd, Meiko only looked at Kaito. When no words came from his lips, Meiko simply strode past him and grabbed her stuff and Haku and headed for the exit. Kaito sighed, his shoulders drooped before he followed them out to leave.

Near the end was kind of hard to do beccause I didn't want to put lots of swearing in it so I just decided to keep it primary school level. I can only imagine what those boys would've said if it was in real life.

Haku barely got any screen time seeing as this was mostly about Meiko and Kaito but whatever. :)

Hopefully this will keep you guys busy until I can find some motivation again.
© 2012 - 2024 TheWhiteJewel
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Just to have Meiko tell the Bullies/Male Chauvinist Pigs off & shove the leader in the water was Epic. I wish I had the nerve to do that, back when I was in school.